10 must know rules: Full rules are here
- 9 players on the field at a time with at least 3 of those players being female. A minimum of 7 players must be present within 15 minutes of the scheduled game time or the team must forfeit.
- You must follow a set line-up and everyone on the team must kick
- You can get a player out by tagging them with the ball (below the neck only!), catching their kick in the air or recieving the ball at the base before the runner arrives
- The strike zone for a kicker is one foot to the left and right side of the home plate and below the knee of the individual kicking when it crosses the plate.
- When kicking, three strikes OR four fouls counts as one out and the next kicker will come to the plate. No walks. Pitch until you kick or strike out.
- Foul balls are balls that do not land inside the baselines that run along the first and third baselines
- No stealing bases or leading. Runners can only advance off a fair ball
- Umps have the final say. Don't argue with them.
- Have fun!